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Benefits of CBD

Benefits of CBD

Benefits of CBD —

Most of the time, when you hear about someone taking CBD, it is to help manage anxiety or pain. While CBD does have a positive effect in managing these two symptoms, it can help manage many other issues as well as promote one’s overall well-being. Let’s take a look at some of the other benefits of CBD.

Epilepsy and Cancer

In some instances, CBD has been used to help treat epilepsy. Seizures resulting from two types of epilepsy syndromes, Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome and Dravet Syndrome, are regularly treated with Epidiolex. Epidiolex is the only drug containing CBD that has been approved by the FDA. Many anti-seizure medications have not worked with these two disorders, but CBD has shown promising results.

Evidence also shows that CBD can inhibit cancer cell growth with some types of cancer. CBD tends to suppress their growth while promoting their destruction. CBD may also be used alongside other treatments to suppress certain side-effects. It can help ease nausea, relieve pain, and stimulate appetite.

Diabetes and Heart Health

Now more than ever, an increasing number of people suffer from diabetes. CBD can help ease inflammation and delay the onset of Type 1 diabetes. In people with diabetes, high glucose levels negatively impact other cells in the body which cause future complication. CBD can help reduce the impact glucose has on the other cells.

CBD has also been shown to benefit heart health. Many people tend to suffer from high blood pressure which increases the risk of stroke, heart attack, and many other conditions. CBD has shown to lower blood pressure as well as allow people to maintain lower blood pressure when placed under stress.

With THC and Other Benefits of CBD

Combining CBD with THC has been shown to alleviate Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Symptoms due to the entourage effect. ALS causes nerve cells in both the spinal cord and brain to deteriorate. This results in loss of muscle control and CBD improves these symptoms by improving muscle spasticity, or muscle tightness and stiffness. It is important to remember however, that using THC will most likely produce a “high” effect. It is also still illegal in many states.

As previously mentioned, CBD can be used to help treat anxiety which is one of numerous mental disorders that can benefit from the use of CBD. Others include but are not limited to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and depression.

CBD is a wonderful natural alternative that can be used to help treat and manage many different issues and disorders. Unlike “man-made” medicines, it can provide natural relief and help to manage pain caused by a variety of ailments. Green Balance offers many different CBD products that can cater to one’s individual needs. CBD has benefited countless thousands of people, now it’s your turn. Learn more about CBD here.

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