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Month: February 2022

Children and CBD

Children and CBD — In recent years, CBD has exploded to become the “go-to” for natural relief for millions of people around the world. Whether it’s used for pain relief, anxiety, or to help improve the quality of sleep, many adults have finally found an all-natural solution that really works. What about children and CBD?…
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CBD and Hemp Seed Oil

CBD and Hemp Seed oil — Let’s clear up the confusion surrounding CBD and hemp seed oil. It is important to note that these two, while they both come from hemp, are not the same thing. People will buy a product labeled as ‘hemp oil’ thinking it’s CBD and are generally disappointed with the results…
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When to take CBD

When to take CBD — You’ve been wondering if you should try CBD…and you finally came to a decision. You’ve done your research and purchased your CBD, but now you realize you have no idea when to take CBD. Is it best in the morning? What about at night? The good news is that you…
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CBD and Exercise

CBD and Exercise – How do CBD and exercise go together? Let’s find out! – Life can be stressful. It can get overwhelming and sometimes we all need a break. Some people can find relief with a hobby, reading, watching television, or meditating. My personal favorite way to de-stress is exercise. I have found that…
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Hemp Clothing

Hemp Clothing – I’ll be the first to admit, I love buying clothes. I know I know, it’s not surprising because most people do. There is just something so gratifying about going to the store and buying a new outfit whether it’s a workout set or for a night out. Recently, however, the term ‘fast…
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